StringLab Top One


On court – The pros

The StringLab Top One is a very comfortable modern multifilament that returns an excellent peak resilience and a high level of perceived power. It is a very lively, elastic and extremely reactive string that guarantees excellent levels of power without necessarily having to exasperate the shots. The trajectories generated are deep and are obtained with simplicity and naturalness. The impact is always “soft” and “pasty” as long as it does not exceed the applied tension (approximately between 18 and 24 kg to take full advantage of the characteristics of the string). The structure and materials that make up the string also ensure a high feeling of comfort which translates into less stress for the muscles and joints of the arm.

The tension holding, both static and dynamic, is at very high levels, allowing the Top One to theoretically maintain its characteristics intact until the mechanical breakage of the string. The advice is not to exceed and “refresh” the string after about 30 hours of play.

The control is in the average of the category. It is obviously not at the level of a monofilament but if you have good technique the control returned from Top One is more than enough.
