MSV Focus Hex Ultra
MSV Focus Hex Ultra
The Focus Hex Ultra is the new series of monofilaments proposed by the German company MSV.
The Focus Hex Ultra strings are made of co-polyester and have...
Gamma Jet
Gamma Jet
The Gamma Jet is a polyester monofilament with a twisted profile and a structured surface.
It is available in black, electric blue and lime and in gauges 1.14, 1.22, 1.28 mm.
The price? About 10 euros for...
Kirschbaum X-Plosive Speed
Kirschbaum X-Plosive Speed
We have tested in preview the X-Plosive Speed, the new monofilament of the German company Kirschbaum, which will soon be launched on the market.
The string...
StringLab Top One
StringLab Top One
Top One is a multifilament string by StringLab, an Italian brand specializing in the production and marketing of material for tennis.
The string is composed...
Luxilon Smart
Luxilon Smart
The Smart is the new monofilament produced by the Belgian company Luxilon. I can’t remember so much hype generated by a string, result and merit of a very...
Infinite Flash Red
Infinite Flash Red
Flash Red is one of the most competitive monofilaments offered by the Infinitebrand.
The string is part of the Alfa series by Infinite, is made of co-polyester and has a special...
String-Kong Banana Bite
String-Kong Banana Bite
Banana Bite is a new generation monofilament produced and marketed by String-Kong, an Italian brand specialized in tennis strings and accessories.
The newborn String-Kong is a co-poly of...
HighString Zeus
HighString Zeus
Today we know another Italian brand specializing in tennis strings: HighString. The brand is owned by Federico Desi, a tennis master and well-known stringer.
StringLab Hydrogen Revo
StringLab Hydrogen Revo
Hydrogen Revo is the new string presented by StringLab, a well-known Italian brand specializing in the production and marketing of material for tennis.
We are...
Dyreex Nerve
Dyreex Nerve
Today we’re talking about the Nerve, the all-rounder from the French company Dyreex.
This is a round section copolyester monofilament with a rough surface designed to increase grip...